Aki Kurose Middle School

Aki Kurose
Middle School

Cell Phone Update

Dear Aki Kurose Families,

I hope this letter finds you well as we move forward in the school year. I’m writing to inform you about an important change we are introducing at Aki Kurose Middle School. In our ongoing effort to create a more focused and supportive learning environment, we will be implementing the use of Yondr pouches starting Monday, February 3rd.

The Yondr pouches allow students to securely lock up their cell phones during the school day while still keeping them on their person. I’d like to explain why we believe this change is critical for student success, address any concerns you may have, and provide opportunities for feedback.

Why We Are Implementing Yondr Pouches

At Aki Kurose, our goal is to ensure that students are engaged and focused on their learning during every class, every day. While cell phones can be helpful tools outside of school, they have increasingly become a distraction in the classroom. Phones pull students away from instruction, create barriers to meaningful peer interactions, and often contribute to negative experiences with social media, such as cyberbullying and anxiety.

By locking phones in Yondr pouches throughout the school day, we aim to reduce these distractions and support students in developing healthy, face-to-face relationships with their peers. The pouches allow students to keep their phones with them but in a locked state, inaccessible until the end of the day when they are unlocked at designated stations. This small adjustment can have a big impact on student focus and well-being.

We’ve seen this policy adopted successfully in other schools within Seattle Public Schools, and we are confident it will have a positive impact on our students as well.

Addressing Concerns About Communication

One of the most common concerns we’ve heard from families is about staying connected with their children, both for routine communication and in case of emergencies. I want to assure you that we’ve taken steps to ensure that parents can still easily communicate with the school.

• Communication through Aki’s Front Office: This year, we’ve increased the staffing in our front office to ensure that your calls are answered promptly. We now have three front office staff members in addition to our admin secretary, all of whom are
ready to assist you. When you call the school, pressing “0” when the phone tree
options come up will automatically connect you to a person in the main office.

• Emergency Protocols: In emergency situations, student safety is our top priority. While we cannot guarantee exact times when students will be able to use their phones, rest assured that our team will follow established safety protocols and communicate with families as quickly as possible. In a crisis, it is critical that students remain quiet, attentive, and follow staff instructions to ensure everyone’s safety. We are also reviewing how Yondr fits into our emergency communication plans and will share updated protocols with families once they are finalized.

Opportunities for Feedback and Discussion

We understand that a change like this can raise questions, and we want to ensure that your voice is heard throughout the process. To provide multiple opportunities for feedback and conversation, we are offering the following options:
• Weekly Coffee/Tea Hour with Principal Lowery: Every Wednesday, beginning October 16th through November 20th, I will host an informal coffee or tea hour at Aki Kurose, starting at 9:00 a.m. This will be a time for you to share your thoughts, ask questions, and discuss any concerns you may have about the Yondr pouches or any other school matters. I value your input and look forward to connecting with you.

• Family Needs Survey: In the coming weeks, we will be sending out a survey to gather feedback from families. Your responses will help us ensure that we are meeting the needs of both students and parents as we implement this new policy.

• Dedicated Zoom Meeting for Yondr Discussion: We will also be hosting a stand-alone Zoom meeting specifically focused on Yondr pouches. This will provide a dedicated space to answer all of your questions and address any concerns you may have. Please look out for the date and time of this meeting, which will be hosted by our PTSA.

A Shared Commitment to Safety and Learning

Our primary goal in implementing the Yondr pouches is to create a focused, distraction-free learning environment where all students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. We believe this change will help reduce the negative impacts of constant phone use and allow students to be more present and engaged throughout the day.
We are committed to partnering with you in this effort, and I appreciate your continued support.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out directly if you have any questions or concerns. Together, we can ensure that this change contributes to the well-being and success of all our students.

Warm regards,
Mr. Lowery
Principal, Aki Kurose Middle School