Aki Kurose Middle School

Aki Kurose
Middle School


Aki Kurose Middle School Library

Welcome to the Aki Kurose Library!

Library Hours

  • Open before school 8:30 a.m. to students WITH A PASS. (Passes available on Office Counter.) Stay in library until 8:50 a.m. dismissal.
  • Open at lunch AFTER you eat. Ask during outdoors dismissal. Must stay in library. No bathroom trips or class visits. (Passes available from supervisor in box on table.)
  • From class on a pass from a teacher. Sign out/in like a bathroom visit.*
  • After school until 4 p.m.
  • Aki Kurose Library Catalog available 24/7


David Nelson, Aki Kurose Librarian, dlnelson@seattleschools.org, 206-252-7722

Follow us on X (Twitter) at @Librarianator for a quick, easy way to get information about new books, upcoming library events & pics.

My goals as the Aki Kurose Librarian

To help all students find interesting “just right” books, foster a love of reading, as well as become effective users of ideas and information. 

  • Help students & staff develop information literacy skills.
  • Build a collection that not only promotes the love of reading, but also encourages critical thinking about the world around us.
  • Help connect students, staff & parents to information resources in print, audio & digital form.
  • Support classroom curriculum by teaching research skills instruction, library search skills, and digital learning and responsibility.
  • Help plan & implement a library environment that is dynamic and effective for both staff & students.

Volunteer Opportunities

Would you like to volunteer in the Aki Library? Please contact the Aki Kurose Librarian, Mr. Nelson dlnelson@seattleschools.org at the contact information above:

  • Book Processing
  • Shelving
  • Lunchtime helper
  • Book Fair helper

Library Resources

Research Sites

Great Book Websites 

Fun Stuff

Have a suggestion for Fun Learning Websites for Kids? Email the Librarian dlnelson@seattleschools.org.