Aki Kurose Middle School

Aki Kurose
Middle School
Aki Kurose Middle School


Aki Kurose Academics Overview

Success for Every Child

Aki Kurose Middle School is on an upward trajectory that is only going to continue to climb. We joyfully serve approximately 650 wonderful students in the heart of Seattle’s Rainier Valley, one of the most diverse neighborhoods in all of Washington State. Aki Kurose is a vibrant reflection of our community and our student population continues to grow for many reasons, including the student assignment plan.

We are keenly aware of the needs our students bring to school and absolutely believe we can positively impact the trajectory of their lives through a great educational experience. To provide this experience, Aki Kurose embraces the following:

Excellent standards-based instruction and intervention based on data: Our master schedule provides students with core instruction in math and reading that meets students at their level to accelerate their growth. It allows for prompt re-teaching and additional time for students in research-based intervention classes, as needed.

Strategic alignment of community partners to maximize effectiveness: We have learned important lessons about how to strengthen our community-based partnerships to strategically employ our partners in their work with students, based on data, effective intervention and instructional practices. We expect great results from our community partners and believe that through a coordinated approach, we will see increasingly positive results.

Teacher collaboration time: Teachers meet each week to plan lessons collaboratively. This amount of planning together enables our faculty to thoroughly analyze the work of our students and plan their classes in ways that maximize learning.

Focusing on family involvement: Our families are a tremendous asset in the education of our students. We want to know all of our students and families before school even begins. Every August we set up home visits with our families with the goal of learning more about their children and how we can best serve them academically and emotionally. Starting by creating strong relationships will help us to maintain high expectations and close communication all year.

Challenging and Motivating Classes

At Aki Kurose we are pleased to offer our students a wide-range of classes and programs, including…


High school level courses Algebra I and Geometry are both offered, giving students the opportunity to get further along in math.

Industrial Tech and Manufacturing

Industrial Technology/Manufacturing: Students learn the fundamentals of the manufacturing process using a state-of-the-art laser cutter/engraver. Courses include: Wood Shop, Metal Shop, CAD/CAM, Robotics and Laser Manufacturing.

Media Production

Media Production: Students learn to produce media in many formats including photography, video, audio and websites. Elective courses include: Yearbook/Aki Times. Digital media production is also integrated into many courses.


Music: Students study music theory, tone production, and literature. Course offerings include: Band, Orchestra, Choir and Guitar. Students have the opportunity to share their learning through public performance.

Visual Arts

Visual Arts: The visual arts program provides a strong foundation in drawing, design, painting, and ceramics.

Spanish Language

Spanish Language: Students have the opportunity to learn beginning and advanced Spanish (offered during 7th and 8th grades).


Additional electives teach financial literacy, college and career readiness and leadership skills.

Service Learning

Service learning in all grade levels and subject areas is connected to Washington State K-12 grade level and content area standards.